Tuesday, March 8, 2011

Time Saving Tip #2

OK, yesterday's tip was to use a planner...one that fit's your personality style. Now comes the FUN part, customizing your planner.

I can't stand it when a self-help guru says you HAVE to do something their way. Last time I checked we were all different so how can we all have the same time management skills? ANSWER...WE CAN'T!

Set yourself up for success and customize your planner to your personal needs. Here's 7 helpful idea's for customizing tabs for your planner to fit the needs in your life & business.

1) Choose daily or weekly pages but always have monthly included

2) Long-term References tab- these are the items such as important dates, a reference that is for 6 months or more away (vacation confirmation, school dates, etc.)

3) Short-term References - This is for confirmation #'s (pay by phone, hotel reservations, etc.).

4) A-Z address pages - I have them in my planner but am thinking of taking them out...I have a phone with all my numbers but to each his own.

5) Short-term projects - This is items that are projects such as clean out closet, go through desk drawers, set up e-mail campaigns. These are big items that will get broken down on your to do list into more manageable items later. I also put long-term projects under this tab.

6) Delegated tasks - How many times have you tasked someone or someone even volunteered to do something but then it got forgotten about? This is a way to stop this from happening. Put to who it was delegated to, what it was that was delegated, when it was delegated and most importantly when you are going to follow up to see if it was done.

7) Last but certainly not least, your TO-DO list - This is where you put everything that life throws at you down on paper. Phone calls to make, letters & e-mails to write, chores to do, places to go...you name it.

Tomorrow we get down and dirty with our TO-DO list and I give you some tips on how to tackle this ever growing list.

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